четверг, 9 декабря 2010 г.

Russian beauties charmed by Vietnamese people, food

Three Russian beauties who completed a four-day charity visit to Vietnam on Monday said they were most impressed by the people and the cuisine.
Miss Russia 2010 Irina Antonenko was accompanied by Evgenia Eusebia and Tamara Zhukova, who were among the top ten finalists in the Miss Russia pageant this year.
 (Miss Russia 2010 Irina Antonenko)

During their stay, they participated in several activities including cultural exchange, fashion shoots, cooking shows and charity campaigns.

After leaving Vietnam, the Russian beauties will fly to Singapore, the next stop on their Asia charity tour funded by Russian Standard International.

After finishing the tour, Antonenko will focus on preparing for the Miss Universe pageant to be held in August.

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