среда, 26 мая 2010 г.

ICT group opens its own research institute

FPT Group on May 25 introduced the FPT Technology Research Institute, aiming to lure Vietnamese talent.

The institute has signed cooperation agreements with five research agencies.

LookAtVietnam - The Corporation of Financing and Promoting Technology, which is more popularly know as FPT Group, on May 25 introduced the FPT Technology Research Institute, aiming to lure Vietnamese talent.

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Director Tran The Trung noted that the establishment of this institute marks a significant step in FPT’s progress over 20 years. The institute will focus on four directions: application of information technology, clean energy and energy saving, biotechnology and space technology.

The institute will perform scientific research activities under agreements with not only FPT, but individuals and organizations at home and abroad. The institute will also organize training courses and perform know-how transfers.

FPT University Director Le Truong Tung observed that this institute will attract students, lecturers and experts of FPT Group and Vietnamese and foreign scientists.

“The establishment of this institute will offer a chance for young people to research and turn their dreams into reality,” maintained FPT Chair Truong Gia Binh.

This agency currently has over 10 research and development projects. Two of them have been implemented, including the Fspace satellite and picture processing projects. FPT will finance the institute’s activities, with 3.5 billion dong for 2010.

The institute has signed cooperation agreements with five research agencies, including the Institute for Information Technology under the Hanoi National University, Vietnam Foundation, FBM Biology and Regenerated Medical JS Company, FPT Software and Asia Petro.


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